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Varsity Boys Cross Country
Conference Meet at McAlpine Park

Varsity Boys Cross Country at McAlpine Park
This was a pretty big Meet with lots of Runners from several schools. It was quite warm, but the late afternoon sun provided some beautiful light.

Varsity Boys Cross Country at Myers Park invitational
The Myers Park meet was an enormous event featuring runners from dozens of schools. The course is shorter than most, but it's also known to be tougher because of several steep hills. the early-morning August sunlight had an interesting bluish-green tint that turned yellow towards the end of the race.

All of the images on my website are free to download. Please contact me if you would like a higher-resolution image for larger prints or a version without the watermark. If you would like to leave a tip, my Venmo account name is @matthew-Spence-11. I hope you enjoy the pictures!